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Team stair climbing is happening in Boston buildings

Standing in the "Elite" group didn’t mean climbing the fastest, while choosing the "Slow step" meant no less effort. The goal for everyone was to finish it together.

"I can’t help my father anymore, but we can help each other, help someone else," said Dina Martinez, the team leader of "Growing Your Wellness." Her father died of heart disease four days after he came from Honduras to visit Martinez. Thirteen years later, as a coach in a kickboxing club, she created the team among her students and raised $1,805.

Sunday's event raised more than $61,000 and was still increasing Monday.

All money goes to “ClimbCorps”, a non-profit organization launched in 2012 by Brigham and Women’s Hospital to prevent heart disease. It sends their members to busy buildings and organizes people to climb. At Exchange Place, "ClimbCorps” has four climbing events every week among 150 tenants.

"The question I was asked most by those busy people is ‘How soon can I actually see results?’” said Vinayak Sinha, a “ClimbCorps” member who organizes climbing and educates people about the benefits for their health. “I climb with them and the first change usually happens on legs.” Before graduating in biology from Clark University, Sinha barely worked out.

“Actually all exercise is good for your heart because you are moving,” said Annette Rubin,Director of “ClimbCorps”. Stair climbing happens to be one of the best options because it helps breathing, increases heart rate and uses all muscle groups. Rubin’s team picked stair climbing for their project because stairs are available everywhere. The weather won't affect it and people don’t need any equipment, and it especially helps those who sit in their offices all the time.

About 600,000 people die of heart disease in the U.S. every year, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“But we need to let people know that 90 percent of heart disease is preventable,” said Rubin.

“ClimbCorps” organized two “ClimbAmerica” events last year. The next event will be in June this year.

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